R eady to...

Release Weight and Fire Up Your Metabolism Through Menopause & Beyond?

Without Dieting!


Releasing Weight for Good Starts Here!

You don't have to do it alone!

Join the 4-Week Live Group Coaching Program, September 4 - October 2.

In our four weeks together, you'll learn AND implement a simple, proven system that's helped hundreds of BUSY WOMEN IN MIDLIFE & BEYOND:

❤︎ Reset Their Metabolism & Jumpstart Fat Release

❤︎ Live a Flexible, Healthy Lifestyle

❤︎ Feel Confident and At Ease in Their Bodies

❤︎ Never Have to Diet Again!

Hi! I'm Sarah Haas

Women's Weight Release Expert &

Body Love Coach

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Certified Personal Trainer

Host of the Boss Body Podcast

I'm also a 50-something single mom, and breast cancer kicker.

I can't wait to support you in taking back your vitality and being in control of your health and your life!

Tired of Starting and Stopping?

The 4-Week Menopause Metabolism Makeover is for you if...

  • You're a woman in midlife or beyond, dealing with weight creep, belly fat, and a slowing metabolism
  • You've tried all the things and struggle to stay motivated and consistent
  • You're stressed and busy and need a plan to release weight that's simple, practical, and not overwhelming
  • You're a successful woman but feel like a failure when it comes to your weight
  • You're sick of diets and quick fixes that don't stick and just want to live a healthy lifestyle, feel good in your body, and be able to MAINTAIN it!

I can't wait show you how to make Healthy

your new normal!

Ready to feel vibrant again?

We start September 4!

Timing not right? You'll have lifetime access so you can go at your own pace.


If you've tried everything under the sun...

and are wondering if this is just another "diet" that will work for a while, then fail....

Here's Why This Program Is So Different

And How I Know It Will Work For You:

  • It's specifically for women in midlife, menopause & beyond. I created it for your unique physiology, hormones, and metabolism - to release stubborn weight and keep it off through this stage of life. No cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all!
  • It's totally doable, even when you're busy and stressed. I made it simple and convenient because I know you're juggling a lot and overhauling your entire life is not SUSTAINABLE. You can easily weave in healthy habits without overwhelm or thinking about food all day.
  • It's not restrictive. Nobody wants to feel like they're on a diet! My method is MAINTAINABLE forever because it's practical, realistic, and flexible. You won't have to count calories, cut out major food groups, fast, or eat nothing but salads.
  • You don't have to do it alone. You'll have my personal guidance, support, and accountability with weekly LIVE coaching sessions. Plus the support of all the other women in our private community.

I'm a REAL person, not a big corporation, celebrity or APP, and I’ve made it my life's work to help women like you.

And I'm a 50-something, single mom, and cancer survivor, so I truly get it!!

This method has worked for me for decades and for the hundreds of women who have gone through my programs and gotten permanent results 💜

In Four Weeks You'll Learn To:

Trigger immediate fat release. Most people lose between 4-16 pounds in 4-weeks and are able to MAINTAIN their success.

Eliminate cravings for sugar and unhealthy carbs.

Nourish your body while being flexible with your food (no major restrictions, dieting, counting calories, or having to think about food all day)

Make healthy living your new normal - Once you get the system in place, you can set it and forget it!

Implement an exact framework to live healthy in a way that's convenient and works with your busy schedule.

Break unhealthy, self-sabotage patterns and get control over emotional eating so you can end the lose/gain cycle for good.

Cultivate self-love, self-compassion and self-acceptance.

It's No Coincidence...

You're here right now because what you've tried in the past hasn't worked long-term.

Getting healthy should feel GOOD! It should make your life EASIER, not stressful or overwhelming. It should boost your ENERGY and vitality.

You're here because you're tired of the overwhelming, restrictive plans that are impossible to maintain. Deep down, you know these quick fixes don't work because you've tried them over and over.

You're here because you're sick of feeling bad about yourself for "falling off the wagon" again - even though it's not your fault!

You're here because you don't want another one-size-fits-all approach that doesn't really work for your midlife body, hormones, and metabolism.

That's why I created this program for women like you.

One that's completely different from everything else you've tried. So you can release the weight that's been hanging on and keep it off, by nourishing yourself, taking loving care of your body, and finally making your own health and wellbeing a priority.


Here's what a few of the women who joined my program had to say...

"I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Sarah. She helped me get ‘unstuck’ from some unhealthy habits, resulting in a 65-pound weight loss!"

- Allison Dykes

“Sarah has a passion for wellness and her approach to nutrition is adding healthy habits and foods instead of focusing on deprivation and bad foods. This really helps create a positive focus and mindset. It’s not about perfection but your personal journey to healthy living.”

- Heather Sanders

“Sarah guided me to look at the underlying causes of my health issues, and to shift my focus from losing weight quickly, and perhaps temporarily, to addressing the issues that led me to live in an unhealthy, unbalanced way to begin with. She helped me to stop blaming myself and to find my inner strength."

- Christy Shivell


  • 4 Weeks + 1 Bonus Week of Live, Online Group Coaching Classes, September 4 - October 2. If you can’t attend live, no worries! You’ll get a recording every week and you can ask me questions anytime.
  • Live Q&A sessions every week so you can get ALL your questions answered along the way
  • BONUS 5-Day Metabolism Reset Program (valued at $199) with meal planning guides and recipes. Most people lose between 2-8 pounds in this week alone!
  • Easy recipes, meal planning guides, and shopping lists to take the guesswork out of what and how to put together easy, nutritious meals
  • A proven step-by-step system and my personal guidance to build a healthy lifestyle, create regular habits and set it and forget it forever, no matter how busy you are!
  • A supportive Private Facebook Community of women, all working together to encourage and motivate each other. Plus, I'll be there to answer all your questions and hold you accountabe. Not on Facebook? You won't miss a thing because I'll give you everything you need via Zoom and email.
  • Journaling, coaching, and mindset exercises to change your emotions around food, body acceptance, and self-care
  • Workbooks, videos, PDF's, cheat sheets, checklists, and more each week with exercises and action steps to keep you consistently moving forward

Plus, You'll Have Lifetime Access to the Entire Program

You can go at your own pace and go back anytime you need a "refresher." You can never get behind, because it's all there for you whenever you need it.


September 4 - October 2

What would it feel like...

to step into the healthy version of yourself you've always dreamed of?

It's right at your fingertips!

We start September 4.


Let's Do This!


Incredible Bonuses!

Midlife Muscle & Metabolism

30-Day Strength Training Program

($199 value)


Metabolism Reset

($199 value)

Walking for Weight Release

6-Week Program

($99 value)

Virtual Healthy Grocery Shopping Tour

($99 value)


Client Successes!

Diet fads do not work and Sarah takes a natural approach that doesn’t waste your time. It feels so good knowing I’m doing this the right, healthy way and not some fad that won’t work once it’s over!”

- Lee W

“Getting Sarah’s help is one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. I lost 26 lbs., 3 pants sizes, and a lot of negativity.” 

- Lisa Mullins

"It’s not just a journey towards a number on a scale or a pant size. What Sarah has helped me achieve has made it possible for me to thrive. Sarah meets you where you are and gives you the real support you need to make it to your goals."

- Amanda Dove, MD

Sarah helped me to realize my health is a journey and a life-changing experience. I learned to rewire my brain, quit body shaming and love myself.”

- Tammy Baird, CNP


Week 1

Simple Meal Planning,

Flexible Eating &

Gentle Body Movement

  • We'll start off the program setting up a meal planning and prepping strategy with yummy, metabolism-boosting recipes, to start releasing fat immediately. Don't worry, it's a simple plan with easy recipes, that will take the stress out of figuring out what to eat.

  • You'll get the exact formula for what and how much to put on your plate to stay full and satisfied, get your metabolism running at full speed, and never feel like you're on a diet. No deprivation or restricting.

  • You’ll get shopping list of all the staples you need to have on hand to throw together easy 10-minute meals.

  • You’ll learn how to eat mindfully in a balanced, flexible way so you enjoy your food and indulgences and never feel restricted.

  • You'll learn exactly what body movements to incorporate to boost your metabolism and burn fat through this stage of life. And it only takes 12 minutes a day!

**Bonus** Week 2

Trigger Fat Release

  • A proven protocol to reboot your system to immediately flip the switch to activate your metabolism and start releasing fat. (Most people lose between 2-8 pounds in this week alone!)

  • We’ll focus on adding in all the nutritious foods your body needs so you’ll feel lighter and have more energy.

  • You’ll get a handbook with a detailed meal planning guide and recipe book, with dozens of healthy, delicious recipes and snack ideas, so you won't even have to think about what to eat all week.

  • You’ll get step-by-step instructions and daily action steps for every day of the week.

  • You'll start establishing healthy habits that will become second nature so you can "set it and forget it."

Week 3

Set Up The Exact System

  • This week you'll set up the exact system to incorporate nutritious eating, body movement and self-care habits into your busy, everyday life.

  • You'll implement a simple, realistic plan that works even when you're super busy.

  • You'll learn exactly how to make room for your new healthy habits WITHOUT adding more stress and overwhelm to your day. (Hint: it's NOT waking up earlier, being more "organized," or having more willpower)

  • And we'll make some powerful mindset shifts to get rid of the mom guilt.

Week 4

Sugar, Carbs & Cravings

Nothing sabotages your best laid plans more than the constant cravings for sugary snacks and unhealthy carbs.

We’ll break down exactly what the underlying causes for your cravings are and give you all the tools you need to start reducing them right away.

We'll also dive into how to bring your hormones into balance. This is huge for not only reducing cravings, but to boost your metabolism and start releasing the fat that's been hanging on.

You’ll learn:

  • What foods and nutrition to add in to eliminate cravings naturally
  • How to get it under control for good this time
  • How to incorporate indulgences into your diet without unleashing the beast, so you don’t feel deprived. We all need a little chocolate in our lives!

Week 5

End the

Start/Stop Cycle

This week is the game-changer! Major shifts happen and you'll learn how to change your relationship with food & your body forever!

You'll understand how to identify and eliminate the self sabotage and unhealthy patterns that keep you stopping and starting, losing and gaining, so you can finally be done with it for good!

Trying to change yourself physically on the outside WITHOUT changing your inner landscape is what keeps you stuck in the on-again-off-again cycle.

No matter what wellness plan you take on, emotional eating and your deeply-held inner beliefs about yourself will determine the results you get and whether or not you're able to stick to it.

Learning how to nourish yourself, MIND, BODY, AND SOUL, is what ultimately creates REAL, powerful, lasting change.

You’ll learn:

  • To develop a routine for exquisite self-care
  • How to calm stress and anxiety, feel better, have more energy, and be more productive.
  • How to silence that harsh inner-critic and push past mindset barriers that have kept you stuck in unhealthy patterns
  • How to begin healing emotional eating
  • How to be gentle with yourself and cultivate self-love and self-compassion

You’ll Be Backed by a

Risk-Free 7-Day Guarantee

This program is full of highly motivated, super-supportive members who are ready to take action. If you put in the work, you WILL get results.

By the end of the first week, you will have a practical plan in place to eat healthy all week, and have started implementing SO MANY healthy habits.

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated, simply reach out, show you’ve put in the work, and I’ll refund your investment.

By the way, this program is so transformational, I've never had anyone ask for a refund!

Here's How the Program Works....



We'll meet together live on Zoom every Wednesday, September 4 through October 2, at 7 p.m. Eastern, for about an hour. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, interaction, spotlight coaching, and individual attention. It's a small group, so it's very intimate.



You'll receive handouts, worksheets, and exercises to go along with the class each week.



If you can't be there live, you'll get a replay the next morning and can ask me questions and get feedback, support, or anything you need at anytime via our Private Facebook Group.


Member Portal

All the videos, handouts and other materials will be housed on a private member portal, so you can easily access them at any time.


Lifetime Access

You'll have lifetime access to the entire program, including videos, handouts, and support materials, so you can follow along with the group, go at your own pace, or go back to it anytime you need a refresher.

If the timing of the program doesn't fit with your schedule, no worries! The entire program is your's forever, so you can go through it whenever it works for you.

My wish for you is...

🦄 To wake up every day feeling FABULOUS and full of energy!

🦄 To feel good in your clothes and in your body.

🦄 To move through your day with ease and be able to do all the activities you enjoy.

🦄 To eat foods you love that nourish and satisfy you and help you maintain a healthy weight.

🦄 To age vibrantly and have energy, strength, and vitality for decades to come.

You are worth it!

I would be honored to be your guide on this journey and I personally guarantee our time together will be absolutely transformational.

I can’t wait to meet you inside Menopause Metabolism Makeover.

All my best,


What are you waiting for?

Say Yes

to yourself and your health today!